Elevate Your Workouts with Fitness Accessories

The right accessories can take your fitness and bodybuilding journey to the next level. Essentials like lifting belts support your core during heavy lifts, while wrist wraps and grip straps enhance stability and reduce strain. Add resistance bands for versatile strength training and foam rollers for post-workout recovery.

Choose accessories that align with your goals to maximise performance and results!

Primabolics Grind Non Stim Pump
Primabolics Grind Non Stim Pump $69.99
GRIND is the most comprehensive, stand alone, muscle pump catalyst on the market today! It is not merely a pump additive. It is not just a product for night trainers and shift workers and those who don’t like caffeine. This is PERFORMANCE FUEL for serious athletes only, who can either enjoy the benefits of a stim free pre workout by itself or stack with their favourite products of choice for training to take their training to the next level! So let’s have a look at what makes GRIND so special! With a whopping 20 gram serving size, GRIND combines industry leading innovation in Vasodialation, combined with premium quality active ingredients to promote endurance, power out put and buffer lactic acid!PUMP CATALYST-Vasodialators Starting with the pump complex, we see VASO6, which at 300mg is proven to increase nitric oxide up to 10 time more than a single 7,000mg dose of L-Arginine! Stack this with 6,000mg Citrulline Malate (2:1) which is proven to increase reps to fatigue and drastically increase Nitric Oxide production, further increasing muscle pumps. Finally throw in a mega dose at 500mg of Potassium Nitrate, an electrolyte bonded Nitrate carrier which will by itself, also create a savage pump in the weight room! Throw the 3 together and you have a pump that actually hurts! ENDURANCE AND POWER The king of muscular endurance is CREATINE with nearly 30 research indicating its benefits for power, endurance and muscle building. At 5,000mg GRIND has a full clinical dose of Creatine Monohydrate to afford you these benefits during intense training. This works synergistically with BETAINE ANHYDROUS at 2000mg, which acts as a methyl donor to convert Cysteine to Methionine which is crucial in the Kreb Cycle to produce ATP, again synergistically working with Creatine which acts as a Phosphate donor to the ATP production cycle. In studies, a dose of 2.5g of Betaine used twice a day showed increases of 25% in 4 weeks! Finally combine these two with 3,200mg of BETA ALANINE for increasing muscle Carnosine levels and buffering lactic acid and you have a product with unrivalled endurance made custom for your athletic pursuits!NOOTROPICS-RAZOR FOCUS AND EUPHORIC MOODS The final element to GRIND is the addition of a synergistic nootropic complex. Firstly, a mega 1,000mg dose of L-Tyrosine boosts Dopamine production, leading to positive mood and increased focus for hours post consumption. This will also work synergistically with stimulant containing pre workouts which stimulate similar catecholamines. Next we have trademarked ALPHASIZE ALPHA GPC at 300mg to boost Acetyl Choline leading to increased mood, focus and memory formation. Stack that with Huperzine A which down regulates Acetyl Choline Deesterase, the enzyme that causes the break down of Choline in the brain for recycling, and you have increased Dopamine, increased Choline and a compound to stop the break down of that increased Choline!
Primabolics Metabolyz
Primabolics Metabolyz $79.99
The Thyroid gland requires a host of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to function at optimal capacity.The conversion of the Thyroid hormone T4 to T3 (the far more metabolically active form) is largely what dictates the “Basal Metabolic Rate” of an individual as well as influencing their cortisol, hormonal balance and gut health.METABOLYZ  has been formulated to provide EVERY vitamin and mineral required in this process of conversion and formation of the Thyroid hormones including: Vit B2 L-Tyrosine Selenium Iodine Vit B6 Zinc Magnesium Vit B12 (We use the superior Methyl B12) Vit C This will allow optimal function of your Thyroid and thus optimise your basal metabolic rate.But we have gone a step further!In addition to Thyroid function, your hormonal balance, cortisol levels and propensity to burn stored fat as a preferential fuel source will largely dictate your success in your fat loss efforts. To this end we have also added a solid 1500mg dose of L-Carnitine allowing efficient transportation of long chain fatty acids to be burned as fuel in the mitochondria of the cell, thus liberating your fat stores to be burned as fuel. In addition, we have thrown in Chromium Chelate to stabilise blood sugar and increase Insulin Sensitivity to further optimise your body for fat loss.We have also added a moderate amount of natural caffeine coming from Green Coffee Bean Extract and Teacrine to allow for hours of clean energy and increase calorie burn from increasing thermogenesis.Finally, we have added an adaptogenic herbal complex consisting of Yerba Mate, Coleus forskholi and Withania Somnifera to lower Cortisol, balance your Thyroid hormone production and conversion as well as optimise your Estrogen to Testosterone ratio. In studies, Withania at the dosage used in METABOLYZ (300mg) lowered Cortisol by 32%, with a consequent rise in Testosterone of 15%. These kind of significant hormonal balancing effects can spell fantastic results for your fat loss campaign.Implementing  METABOLYZ  into your supplement regime gives you a 45 serve: Thyroid optimising complex of powerful adaptogenic herbs, vitamins and minerals ZMA complex to further optimise hormonal production. A general health multi-vitamin supplement A powerful thermogenic, and Hormonal balancing and Cortisol lowering supplement.